How do you clean radiators?

We recommend that LST radiators are cleaned with brushes or a non-abrasive damp cloth and that cleaning agents aren’t used. This prevents damage to the BioCote® powder coating that could otherwise impact its effectiveness.

All of our radiators are powder coated with a unique anti-microbial called BioCote®.

Because of the effectiveness of BioCote®, we recommend that LST radiators are cleaned with brushes or a non-abrasive damp cloth and that cleaning agents aren’t used. This prevents damage to the powder coating that could otherwise impact its effectiveness.

The most effective non-abrasive cloths to use are microfibre. These cloths are made up of material that is extremely fine, making it effective in gathering up and removing dust and small particles from the surface of the LST radiator.

For an extra element of hygiene, we recommend a RotaRad kit. With RotaRad kits, the radiator can be bought down to floor level, giving access to the back and the wall behind it.

It’s these areas where dust and bacteria can often gather because the warm, dark environment is harder to reach and clean.

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